We welcome you to the homepage of Seidel Handlingsysteme GmbH from 47877 Willich / Germany.
In order to enable you to receive an overview about the company and the range of products as quick and precise as possible, we did structure our homepage into corresponding categories. These categories you can
select optionally either via the heading line or via the links listed below.
Although we did establish our homepage with greatest possible care, surely it will not be possible to have listed answers to all possible questions.
Therefore we would be very happy, if in case of further questions or additional needed information you would contact us by phone or email. We will be at your disposal at any time for giving additional information.
We would like to offer to our customers solutions, which meet their requirement and which are of highest quality at attractive prices. This is how we as Seidel Handlingsysteme GmbH do understand our task.
Seidel Handlingsysteme GmbH offers to their customers a wide range of solutions for tasks within the field of Coilhandling / Coil Processing, Heavy Load Handling as well as Die Handling / Die Change
Seidel Handlingsysteme GmbH is engaged in in-house handling of heavy goods. Handling generally means to pick up goods, to lay them down, to transport them or to turn them by 180° or even more.
This applies as well to steel coils with weight up to 30 tons and more, which are processed within stamping and metal forming companies, as to heavy goods and goods with unhandy dimensions within a lot of other industry branches.
to the product overview...
With pleasure we will be at your disposal by phone at +49 2156 419193. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any open questions or need of consulting.
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